What is new with Errol and this site?
14 November 2007 - Added more photos to the page for A Little Princess. Much more development planned for this area. Added the photos Errol sent back in mid-October.
6 November 2007 - On the Lucky Diamond page, worked around a limitation in sitebuilder that prevents an image from linking to a different image. I would
prefer to make my own thumbnail size images and then use them to link to larger images. May undo this. The " Main
area 2 secondary" layout (used in ALP above) may work more to my liking.
2 November 2007 - Added external link from Planet in Focus link on Bali - Altar of the Gods. Added photo from Errol to Malini.
30 October 2007 - Errol added me to his list of Facebook friends and I saw that he had a resume
posted there. It had one play ( The Matka King) and two other Radio performances (The Post Office, A Fine Balance) listed that I did not have and I created pages for them. Also minor other additions from this same document.
20 October 2007 - Added photos from Errol to pages for Developing Stories and Amazon Dream. I'm debating collapsing the photos down to one page on the sidebar and then having a gallery of stage, screen and
other to hold the photos Errol sent on 16 & 20 October. This would evenutally include a future split of screen into
television and cinema.
5 - 7 October 2007 - Added a bit on the Biography about Vanier College including a link to a photo of Errol from the 1970s. Added a link to a bio on Guy Sprung
who directed The General's Tea Party when Errol was in it. He founded the Theatre XV group and is now the Artistic Director of Infinitheatre
in Montreal. Reworking the alt text on photos to get help them show up in image searches.
Changing all links to be blue as a standard. External links also have a [►]
after them only if they are in the body of the text. If they are listed under External Links, they will not
have the graphic. This is similar to Wikipedia.
1 October 2007 - Add other possible titles and quote about Errol from Jon Hurwitz on the
Harold & Kumar 2 page.
Changed all references of Seashango to Sea Shango - the few mentions I can find on the web are written as two words.
27 September 2007 - Had an email yesterday from the manager of the Dora Awards at the Toronto
Alliance for the Performing Arts (TAPA). Back in summer, I'd posted a question about the list of Dora nominiees
- it only goes back to 2005, but the winners go back to 1981. She was able to confirm that Errol was nominated for his
performance in Coups and Calypsos, and not Twelfth Night, as I originally believed. Added a link to the Dora page out at TAPA on the Links page.
Changed all references from Untitled Harold & Kumar Sequel to Harold & Kumar 2, per the IMDB, except for the one on this page down in January 2007. Added a screen capture of the film
title from the teaser trailer.
20 September 2007 - The trailer for Harold and Kumar 2 is out at the IMDB page. No sign of Errol, but it looks quite funny.
4 September 2007 - Added the initial fan Submissions page. Please feel free to contribute art or text.
mid to late-August 2007 - Worked up the resume based on notes from the phone call with Errol.
I think I've got it much closer to chronological order. Also added additional places for writer and director under the
various sections. When we get this complete, he needs to let his agent know. Created stub pages for everything
remaining on the Resume and Biography. Began a page of useful Links.
12 August 2007 - I telephoned Errol and we spoke for some 40 minutes. He filled in
several missing characters on his Resume. We need to devise a plan to fill out the Biography and Resume to his liking. He suggested that I write to various theatres for photos of some of his performances.
10-12 August 2007 - Created stub pages for The Immigrant, Roly Poly, Wandering Scholar from Paradise, Adam and Eve, How Now Black Man, The Indian Wants the Bronx, The General's Tea Party, The Dragon Can't Dance (the play), Macbeth, Branch of the Blue Nile, Franklin, Sea at Dauphin, Couvade, A Brighter Sun, We Can't Pay, We Won't Pay, & Twelfth Night. Fan contributions of information are welcome.
August 2007 - Errol is back to Toronto after working on The Reef.
mid-July 2007 - Errol has returned to Trinidad and Togabo and
is working with producer/director Danielle Dieffenthaller of Diefferent Style Flims on the TV series The Reef. He will be returning to Toronto in August.
3 July 2007 - Changed Different Style Films to Diefferent Style Flims - on
the writing page. Took down the Indian Arrival Day graphic.
28 June 2007 - Changed Different Style Films to Diefferent
Style Flims - this is the production company for The Reef.
31 May 2007 - Added a page for The Reef.
30 May 2007 - Added a bit to balance out the main page with a graphic for Indian
Arrival Day. I don't think I'll keep this up more than about a week.
mid-May 2007 - Errol has returned to Toronto and is working with producer/director Danielle Dieffenthaller
of Different Style Films on rewrites and revisions of the first 13 episodes of the TV series The Reef.
The series will begin production in mid-June.
May 2007 - Added a page on Owning Mahowny. Errol's scene in this, opposite Philip Seymour Hoffman, was unfortunately cut from the film and
the DVD has no cut scenes.
- Errol is in Trinidad until the middle of the month. He is also acting in two parts of a local TV drama that is filming
on the island of Tobago.
- From the website maintainer: Many updates will be happening this month and into the summer. I have permission to
add items from Errol's professional resume to the site. This has resulted in a great deal of internet research which
lead to the discovery of an entry on Errol in The Cambridge Guide to African & Caribbean Theatre
(1994), edited by Martin Banham, Errol Hill and George Woodyard. This book has a wealth of information and is all before
his first Hollywood film.
22 April 2007 - errolsitahal.tripod.com celebrates our 1st year on-line.
Stats: nearly 700 hits and 20 signatures in the guestbook.
30 March 2007 - From the website maintainer: I may get to go to Toronto for a business-related
trip and will try and make time to meet with Errol face to face. Timeframe is up in the air, but I'm hoping it will
be before the summer.
January to February 2007 - Errol is in Toronto filming his scenes for the Untitled Harold & Kumar Sequel. Scenes were filmed in New Orleans, Louisiana, US.
November 2006 - Errol returned to Toronto from Trinidad after the filming of The Ghost of Hing King Estate. Eight photos added courtesy of Francis Escayg.
August 2006 - Photos added from 11 Cameras and links to official site.
June 2006 - June 28 marked the premiere of 11 Cameras on CBC.
The show is set for a 22 episode run. Errol plays Samir, father of two of the main characters: brothers Sumesh and Raj.
May 2006 - Presently Errol is working on the CBC Television series 11
Cameras which will be broadcast in June 2006.
April 2006 - Errol has returned to Toronto after a three months in Trinidad. He played
Singh in Tony Hall & David Rudder's Calypso musical: The Brand New Lucky Diamond Horseshoe Club.